Xudi ra'y First TV transmission starts ra'y Xudi TV
First transmission of ra'y Xudi TV.
The Day of the Dead among the people Hñahñu or Otomi, Mexico.
The cult of the dead among the indigenous people of Hñahñu or Otomies. The beliefs and worldview of the people Hñahñu. The importance of the relationship with the dead for the Indians. As to the altar of dead according to the precepts Otomies. Indian documentary. That is, a documentary by Mexicans for Mexicans. An original idea ra'y Xudi TV, Indian television, television awakening.
The Otomi were the people who established the foundation on which other cultures were based more modern and the Mexica, and even the current Mexican culture. The cult of the dead comes from the Otomi.
Monday, October 29, 2007
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Start ra'y Xudi TV.
As part of the evolution of teaching methods of your server, along with the Atl-Tlachinolli group has made the transition from radio programs to an online format.
ra'y Xudi TV becomes the diffuser arm-Tlachinolli Atl. Therefore automatically becomes the Petal War group. And with that, underlying the Indian Renaissance Movement of Anahuac, MIRA. The MIRA is the time key roles in the dissemination and explanation of our true culture and the Mexican native country. The Petal of War is something rather than armed, army propagator of the high ideals and teachings of our indigenous ancestors.
A small step, but very determined and honest.
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