Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Delica Beads In London

more hyper in the games.

On other occasions I have spoken of hyperrealism in games ( Do Not Pass Go: Hyperrealism and board games and Photorealism and games ). Well today I left another post about hyper-realism (I found the page with @ ludotecla ) .

This time the author is Tim Liddy has a large collection of works following this technique, taking as its main theme, namely, classic board games. The truth is that they seem impressive photographs. Here you have a sample:

To see the rest of his work related to games (which is quite extensive) follow this link and visit your section "Present work ":)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bed And Breakfast Welcome Letter

Some planets die and are born ...

This week has been outstanding, as far as games are concerned, by server problems Bsk (the forum important in Spain on games) and the closure of Planet Bsk (page which contained the majority of posts in Castilian related games).

Wkr ( @ Wkr ) the owner of the Bsk, proposed an alternative that is:

Since I had to disable the Planet BSK by performance problems and server overload I decided to organize it differently. First I prepared a directory posts related to board games in BSK forum and in the coming days I will explain how to use different desktop applications and online feed reading so that each user can do independently ( I like its simplicity Reader Google Desktop). If you have a blog about games and are a user of the BSK these are the rules for working .

But among the alternatives, there was not the thing. After news of the closure of Planet Bsk some users were put to work to create alternatives to this page. Thus, it appeared:

creator Playful Planet is David Arribas, of Lúdica Vis. His aim was to make a separate page and as simple as possible. In his own words:

Playful Planet is a blog aggregator which compiles news and articles related to board games, centralizing much of the English-speaking blogs in one place and creating a network of blogs. This planet or aggregator is independent and aims to promote the blogs participating and increasing their visits to the time you create for the reader to a place where it is easy to see that at present entertaining.
If a blog you want to join Playful Metro must meet the following requirements:
  1. The blog must be in English.
  2. The theme of the blog should be the games or you can filter by categories (possibly only one).
  3. is recommended that the feed page is complete for the experience of reading Playful Metro is as complete as possible, cut feed are allowed, but not allow posts where the feed display only the headline of the story.
  4. A mailing list will serve as a form of communication managers attached to Planet Playful blogs.
  5. The blog must maintain a label does not accept blogs where disqualify other blogs or not respecting the rest of the fans. To potential conflicts that are created as a result of this point will be used to solve the mailing list where administrators blogs adhere to the planet to address these issues and make a decision.
can also follow Playful Planet by Twitter in @ planetaludico .


Another alternative is Stephane Cittadino of 5mpj , who created the News network. The philosophy is basically the same as the Metro Playful, the only difference is Stephane has used its own server to keep this space, incorporating it into their web.

As he explains, is now in testing, but it has brought together some 27 blogs about games. You can find the list of blogs that are now incorporated this link.

If you want your blog to appear in News on the web, send email to Stephane 5minutosporjuego @ 5mpj.es


Finally, I would highlight a network of tools that have been shared from Gamblers , it is @ LudoMundoS.

LudoMundos is presented as a set of tools created by gamblers, but independent of the blog, to keep abreast of what is moving in the universe playful Hispanic. It is also an alternative for bringing together all sources of news, articles, videos, etc.. the universe of games in Castilian used to so the tools provided for free Google , Twitter and Facebook .

If you have a blog to comply with the conditions (discuss board games and be written in Castilian), you can contact maskleto@gmail.com .

------------------ Problems with Bsk and the closure of Planet Bsk have been the starting point of many discussions since the same forum and also on Twitter . Of course, there have been blogs that have been echoed by the news and who have given their views about the situation. Here are some entries that have appeared on the subject (in addition to the links that have already appeared in the entry):

Playful Planet by IACT Alea est;
Bsk and Bsk Metro by Minds Hexagon (mymenda)

And finally, an article of reflection from the Instituto de Estudios Solarísticos by Lev Mishkin: Board games, forums and network. The BSK.

Friday, January 7, 2011

How High Do You Hang Closet Rods For Mens Shirts

card game Max Aub

Looking for other things, I just found this news connected with literature and the world of games, specifically, card games. This is a work of Max Aub card game called that have been published in Spain for the first time in a very original format. I leave the information given in the editorial, watch Notebooks, on author and book:

MAX AUB (Paris 1903 - Mexico 1972) is one of the great writers of the generation of 27 , a clear example of what is now called transnational or trasterrados literature. Born in Paris in 1903, roots English, German and Jewish, arrives with his family to Spain in 1914, fleeing from the First World War and settled in Valencia. After studying in high school, he moved to Madrid and began a complex literary work and film, including poetry, plays, essays, novels, short stories and film scripts as L'Espoir or Sierra de Teruel , shot in tandem with André Malraux.

He must novels Magic Labyrinth, a monumental altarpiece of the civil war: Country closed, open field, field of blood, Campo del Moro Campo de los Almendros, French Country . In Valverde Street environmental us the time of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, like Cuervo Manuscript realize life in a concentration camp, Le Vernet d'Ariege, where he was interned after the war, with acidity and a sense of humor exceptional circumstances in which he lived. He must also The blind man, a lucid analysis of the Spain of the sixties and The true story of the death of Francisco Franco and the famous Crimes copies.

The Card Game Max Aub was published for the first and last time in Mexico in 1964, and remained unknown among English readers. The work, in which the author plays with the double meaning of the word letter as writing letters and playing card deck as-is composed of one hundred and eight letters superbly illustrated with drawings of Jusep Torres Campalans heteronym artist's own Max Aub . With its own game rules clearly established, it is like a piece of speculative polyphonic governed by the author's own obsession with identity. It develops a network of narrative techniques based on the ambiguity and illusion, in the exchange of glances, full of humor and knowledge of human nature.

each card in the characters talk about the main character, Max Ballesteros, who has just died, and draw as if it were a kaleidoscope, a choral portrait, manifold and incomprehensible of the deceased. It is the contemporary definition of the subject impossible. Cubist construction, the character is acquiring the form that chance and the game determined. Guess who will win which was a maximum Ballesteros. But no one wins, because reading is infinite.

With Card Game , Max Aub gives us one of the most ingenious and fascinating of all the literature made by the vanguards of the twentieth century, and locates it, along with the rest of his work, as one of the major authors of English literature essential.

And finally, here are the video of the presentation of the book:

* Links related:
-Official Web Max Aub Foundation .
- Max Aub Publications in Entresiglos .
-The blog Card Game Max Aub.
- The book from the publisher watch Notebooks (information on the book format, price, etc.).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Acronis True Image Interupted Windows 7

Torres giant chess in Poland.

Krakow (Poland) is the where they will be held on World School Chess Championship 2011 (29 April to 9 May) and 2011 FIDE Congress (15 to 22 October). In anticipation of these celebrations are being put on giant chess towers at strategic points all around the city. For the first event in April, there will be more than 100 towers of chess in Krakow.

Here you have some pictures of these towers giant chess, the truth is that they are cool:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kates Playgroundpitch In Bathroom

The Bsk has fallen again ... Most Played

The last time I fell was Bsk October 13 . As has become commonplace for besekeros:

You do not have permission to access / index.php on this server.
Additionally, at 404 Not Found error while WAS Encountered Trying to use an Error Document to handle The request.
This is the message we are trying to access the Bsk (that does not know which is the first community in English of board and card games) What's the matter? As reported in Wkr twitter: BSK

disabled again. Until this afternoon there will be no news. It begins to be serious.

is not the first time that falls Bsk and as always, calls for patience and calm.

While not solve the problem (we do not know how much you can take), there are different "alternatives besekeras"

- The Wkr twitter, where he is informed of the situation.
- The twitter of the Bsk
- The group on facebook The Bsk.
- The Yahoo Group Bsk.

- On other occasions, despite not running the Bsk, Bsk Planet still in operation. This is not the case. If you want to take a look at the various posts will need to access them directly or, alternatively, you can see the list of almost all that are on this Planet following this link. [Edit 01/16/1911: new alternatives have emerged, as you can see this link]

In principle, as stated in Wkr, should be to hear in the coming hours. We must be careful:)

[Edit 20:00 pm ] The Bsk is in maintenance mode.
[Edit 21:25 pm] Bsk "We ran out? Wkr has made this new post on Twitter: " BSK maintenance until further notice.'m Considering closing the site permanently. Honestly, I think I worth."
[Edit 05/01/1911 00:26 pm]: Last tweet Wkr day, more hopeful than the previous "
Time to go to sleep because tomorrow we get up early. I leave the disabled BSK at least other 24, I review things. Patience. "
[Edit 01/05/1911 19:00]: Wkr tweet" BSK Online again. I made a thorough cleaning. At the moment I put it in quarantine, at least put it in maintenance problem. "

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Star Wars Ship Pinewood Derby

As is tradition in this blog, the first entry of the year is devoted to my list most played in the year. My most played in 2010 were:

were in total 185 items to 78 games from 1 January to 31 December. Month more games that I played was in March (38 games) and less playing months were July and November (5 games each month.)

A highlight of the list:
- This year, unlike the previous two Dominion has not been the most played game on my list.
- Gambit 7 was the game that I could get a chance to win hominids. Nobody would have bet a cent for it but go I have not laughed (and all who have played with me), XD
- Time's Up has also been a game that has become almost header in the meetings, some items had that have been recorded: P
- The 4 items Globall have all this holiday season and all the family (both mine like Toni)

* Related links:
- My most played of 2008 and 2009.

[In brief attempt to place all links from other blogs that have also spoken of his most played in 2010]