Friday, November 12, 2010

What Is The Effect Of Eating Beeswax With Honey

Games Creation Competition "Ciutat de Granollers"

Another year, growing and some news.

In its fifth year, becomes the Games Creation Competition "Ciutat de Granollers" , convened by the City of Granollers. The contest is part of the Fira jugarXjugar held each spring, in the Fira de l' Ascencio.

Some of the rules to participate in the contest:

- Participants must send the game and photography components.
- The rules may not exceed 10,000 characters .
- Deadline for submission of documentation: January 10, 2011
- The rules and other documentation can be sent in Catalan, Castilian, French or English .
- only be accepted 200 games in the competition. The day I received the game number 200 is the last day of acceptance of games. All games shipped that day will be admitted the competition, but not the following days. In the blog of the show jugarXjugar ( be informed of the receipt of the number 100 and 150 games .
The action taken this year to limit submissions to 200 games has caused some controversy among fans and authors. Oriol has defended the stance taken in the following way:

"The cap is put it in some way must be cut to work in good condition. And no one is expected to last day to send their games to have a bit of pressure. Moreover, on the bases we have to be two warnings.

Technically, you may send one person to make sure 200 games than winning. It is possible, but really do you think it's going to happen? And if it did, would he would not take the appropriate measures? That is, a list send 200 documents with some (not) remotely similar to the rules of a game. Okay, I can do, but what should happen is that people who we believed that we read the rules actually are 200 different games and not a ruse to eliminate competition. Come on, it will not happen.

Another thing is that you can think this does not help the expansion of the competition or anyone to feel badly treated. No, rather, to ensure that this measure better read the rules to make the first selection. Of necessity, the reading committee must be dropped because too many people have too many criteria and there was no way to unify and agree. With a small group can discuss all the rules. After that there will be a lot of testers, but not in the first cut.

participants Luck! Oriol Comas i

Coma "

course if you want to participate in the contest before the page pásate Fair jugarXjugar and read all the rules .

If after doing so you have any questions or want to know more about the views being generated by this contest, see this thread Bsk. ---------------------

Some participants (winners and finalists) Previous editions have been published after their games step in the competition:

Market of Tlatelolco do Victor Melo, published by Nestorgames .
22 blocks Juan Carlos Perez, published by Cocktail Games . Qu
ERNI Henry Fernandez, published by Nestorgames .
Mundialito ( RoboSoccer ) by José Carlos de Diego, published by Nestorgames . Theseus Llistosella Pere Pau. Be published by Hurrican .

* Related links:
- The complete rules for participation in the contest .
- Fira JugarXJugar (Catalan)
- Fair JugarXJugar (Castilian)
- On other issues contest.


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